안녕하세요. BK21 바이오혁신첨단소재교육연구단 입니다. 

본 교육연구단 주관으로 공과대학 BK연구단과 함께 세계적 저명 학술지인 Nature와 Nature Master Class at KU’를 개최 합니다.

본 Class는 현재 전세계에서 가장 권위있는 학술지인 Nature 에디터를 초청하여 공과대학에서 공통적으로 교육이 필요하다고 판단하는 국제전문학술지의 작성법에 관하여 논문 출판의 전체과정에 관한 강연을 듣고관심있는 연구주제에 관하여 Review를 받아고려대학교 대학원생연구교수참여교수들의 연구 수준을 높이고나아가 국제적인 네트워크를 구축하여 교육의 국제화 수준을 높이고자 기획되었습니다


1. 행사명: Nature Master Class at KU

2.개최 일시2021. 12. 01. 16:00 ~ 2021. 12. 03. 18:30 / 3일간

3. 장소On-line

4. Nature Editor

Benjamin Heinrich

Benjamin joined Nature Nanotechnology in February 2018. He obtained a first degree in chemistry from the University of Leipzig, Germany. 

After graduation, he joined the Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg, France, to study magnetic nano-objects on metallic surfaces with scanning probes. For this work, he received a PhD in condensed-matter physics in 2010. He then moved to Berlin for a PostDoc at the Freie Universität Berlin, where his research focused on many-body phenomena involving magnetic impurities and nanostructures on superconducting surfaces. He is based in Berlin.

Yaoqing Zhang

Yaoqing joined Nature Sustainability in May 2020 as a Senior Editor. He handles manuscripts in the broad areas of engineering and technology tackling system-wide and technological solutions to sustainability issues. Yaoqing began his editorial career at Nature Communications in June 2016 where he covered a range of topics in energy chemistry, with a particular focus on electrochemical energy storage and solid state ionics. Prior to joining Nature Research, Yaoqing held an assistant professorship at the Tokyo Institute of Technology working on the synthesis, discovery and characterization of electride materials that have potential applications in catalysis or superconductivity. 

He obtained a PhD in chemistry from the University of St Andrews where he focused his studies at the interface of solid state chemistry, electrochemistry and ceramics, and then conducted postdoctoral research on condensed matter physics in Japan. Yaoqing is based in the Shanghai office.

5. 프로그램

- 12월 01일(): Webinar 1 Focus on Scientific Writing

- 12월 02일(): 1:1 Abstract Review Session

- 12월 03일(): Webinar 2 Focus on Scientific Publishing

6. 문의처: 바이오혁신첨단소재교육연구단, 02-3290-5907, mybk21@korea.ac.kr

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