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 본 교육연구단 주관으로 세계적 저명 학술지인 Nature와 ‘Nature Master Class at KU’를 개최 합니다.


 본 Class는 현재 전세계에서 가장 권위있는 학술지인 Nature 에디터를 초청하여 국제전문학술지의 작성법에 관하여 논문 출판의 전체과정에 관한 강연을 듣고관심있는 연구주제에 관하여 Review를 받아고려대학교 대학원생연구교수

참여교수들의 연구 수준을 높이고나아가 국제적인 네트워크를 구축하여 교육의 국제화 수준을 높이고자 기획되었습니다.

다 음 -

1. 행사명: Nature Master Class at KU

2 .개최 일시: 2023. 2. 20.()~22.() 16:00~18:30 / 3일간

3. 장소: On-line(추후 신청자에게 Invitation 메일 송부)

4. 프로그램

20th Feb Monday, 

4pm~6:30pm(Korea time)

21st Feb Tuesday, 


22nd Feb Wednesday, 

4pm~6:30pm (Korea time)

·Webinar 1: Focus on Writing

Cara Eldridge(Deputy editor, Nature Medicine)

·Abstract review session with the editor

10~15 participants with Cara Eldridge

10~15 participants with Jennifer Sargent 

Individual zoom meeting invitations will be sent to each participant directly.

·Webinar 2: Focus on Publishing 

Jennifer Sargent(Nature Communications Biotechnology team

5. Nature Editor

 Jennifer Sargent, Deputy Editor, Nature Medicine

- Jennifer completed her undergraduate degree in biochemistry at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. Prior to her doctoral work, Jennifer studied signal transduction systems in P. aeruginosa with Joanne Engel at the University of California, San Francisco, USA. She received her PhD from Dartmouth College for her studies on transcriptomics and genetics of scleroderma in Michael Whitfield’s lab. Jennifer did her postdoctoral work with Juan Rivera at the National Institutes of Health, USA, investigating sphingolipid signalling in allergy and autoimmunity. Jennifer has been serving the clinical and scientific communities as a professional editor since 2014. She was an editor at Nature Reviews Endocrinology before moving to The Lancet in 2015. In 2019, she joined the team at Nature Medicine, and became Deputy Editor in 2022. Jennifer handles research manuscripts in the areas of cardiometabolism, reproductive medicine and public health.

 Cara Eldridge, Senior Editor, Nature Comms (Biotechnology team)

- Cara joined Nature Communications in March 2020. After conducting her undergraduate and

Master’s degrees in Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge, she went on to complete a PhD at the MRC-Laboratory of Molecular Biology and continued there as a postdoctoral researcher. The focus of her research has been on the effect of replication impediments on stem cell differentiation, and as part of this work she established human embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells into the lab. She handles manuscripts in the areas of genome engineering, as well as cellular biotechnology and methods. Cara is based in the London office.

6. 문의처바이오혁신첨단소재교육연구단, 02-3290-5907, 5960 
